Red Dead Redemption 2: Paying a Social Call - walkthrough Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide and Walkthrough
During Paying a Social Call mission of Red Dead Redemption 2, you'll have to face O'Driscolls following a misunderstanding about a shack in the forest. Our guide will help you in getting the gold medal during this mission.
Last update: 28 September 2022
Paying a Social Call is one of the missions available in Red Dead Redemption 2's second chapter. Thanks to Kieran's help, the heroes are able to reach O'Driscoll gang hideout. Your goal is to eliminate the enemies, and examine the cabin in the wood.

How to unlock: Interrogate Kieran who is kept in the gang hideout in Horseshoe Overlook.
Walkthrough: Approach the tree with Kieran and threaten him - the man will give you information about the gang's hideout. Get on your horse and go to the place pointed by the man.
Note - Throwing Knives are added to your inventory right at the start of this mission. These weapons can be found in the slot with throwing weapons. You can use them in the upcoming fight, rely on your regular knife or completely ignore the stealth approach.
You reach Six Point cabin. Get off your horse and start sneaking. You have to make a decision - take the initiative or send Billy. The best solution is to volunteer. Take out your knife. You can approach enemies from behind and kill them stealthy by pressing the right button. You should be able to eliminate at least four bandits (one of the kills will be performed with your companion). Avoid killing enemies that are in field of view of another bandit.

When the firefight starts, you can hide behind, i.e. a larger tree or a rock. A carbine is the best weapon to eliminate enemies, but your revolver should also suffice. Pay attention to the radar to avoid getting flanked.
Kill all the bandits. After that you have to reach the cabin and open the door. This triggers a cut-scene. Go inside. Examine the area near the fireplace (see the picture above). You can take a Double-Barreled Shotgun and complete a short tutorial which teaches you about cleaning dirty weapons - open the weapons menu and press the cleaning button twice. Also, you should examine the fireplace to find a hidden stash with money. Arthur takes $100, the rest goes to the gang.
Additional note - Move away from the cabin as soon as you complete the mission. The police could get informed by someone who has witnessed the firefight. They can start searching the area.
How to get a gold medal in Paying a Social Call?
- Stealth kill 4 members of O'Driscolli gang members - 3 of them are easy to stealth kill (the best option is to use a knife). The fourth person can cause you problems. Kill those bandits who aren't in someone else's field of view.
- Score 12 headshots - You need to do your best if you want to kill bandits in this way. Use the Dead Eye to score headshots with greater ease.
- Complete the mission with at least 80% accuracy - This challenge can be completed simultaneously with the one described above. All bullets should hit their targets.
- Complete the mission without using healing consumables - The firefight that takes place right after the stealth kills is the only moment where your hero can be in danger.