Wolcen Arise Update Trailer Reveals New Content
A trailer for the Arise update to Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem has appeared online. It will introduce a lot of new content and many improvements.

- Refreshed and expanded summoning system;
- New locations;
- Additional armors in the endgame;
- General gameplay improvements.
Devs of the RPG Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem have released a trailer of Arise, the next update with new content which is the third patch of this type included in the so-called Chronicle 1.
The main attraction of the update will be a thorough refresh of the summoning system of allied units. There will be an auto-respawn mechanic and the artificial intelligence of such units will be improved. There will also be new skills in this area.
Thanks to the update the game will be enriched with new locations and additional armor available in the so-called endgame. In addition, we can expect general changes that will make the game more enjoyable, which were based on players' suggestions.
Unfortunately, the creators did not say when we can expect Wolcen: Arise. They limited themselves to stating that the release will be coming soon. We expect it to take place this month.
Chronicle 1 is to consist of at least five updates. In September/October patch number 4 from this series will be released, which will offer new locations and monsters. It will also expand endgame activities and provide a reward system. New maps and enemies are also expected in the fifth patch, planned for November/December. It will also introduce support for gamepads.
Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem was released in February last year, after almost two years spent in early access. The game is available only on PC, where it turned out to be a big commercial hit, but quickly began to lose players, mainly due to lack of new content and poor technical condition.
Developers are fighting this trend with updates and so far they bring mixed results. The game's popularity clearly increased after the release of the Bloodtrail update in December 2020, but then rapidly began to decline. Currently, the game briefly revives after each major patch, after which players switch to other games.