Red Dead Redemption 2: We Loved Once and True - walkthrough Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide and Walkthrough
During this mission, you'll pay a visit to Mary, who is Arthur former lover. The quest evolves into a rescue mission. You will do all of that in We Loved Once and True mission in Red Dead Redemption 2.
Last update: 28 September 2022
We Loved Once and True is a multi-part mission available in Red Dead Redemption 2's second chapter. Arthur meets Mary, his old lover. The man also has to search for her brother who joined Chelonia cult.

How to unlock: Read the letter from Mary and meet her in the woman's house.
Walkthrough: You need to wait until Arthur receives the Letter from Mary. One of the gang members will inform you about that. The letter lies on the chest located next to Arthur's bed in the camp - the picture above shows the letter.
Go to Mary's farm - this place is next to Valentine town. Meet with the woman. Promise Mary that you will convince her brother to come home.

Head to the Chelonia cult camp - it is located on top of the hill (follow the narrow path to reach that place). Approach the master and speak with him. This meeting can have two outcomes:
- You have convinced the Chelonian master to let Jamie go - Choose the first dialog options: Undecided and Purpose. The master will allow you to speak with the boy.
- You haven't convinced the Chelonia members - Choose more aggressive dialog options. Also, you can decide to strangle the master at the end of the conversation.

Regardless of your choice, Jamie will start running away. Get on your horse and follow him. The chase ends in a scripted place so don't try to catch Jamie or to use your lasso. Instead, you should avoid hitting any obstacles - Jamie can escape which will fail the mission.
The pursuit ends near the train rails. Jamie aims a revolver at his head - stop him from committing suicide. Gently press the button that allows you to use your weapon (R2 or LT are the default buttons). With Dead Eye active, aim at Jaime's revolver - see the picture above. The last thing you have to do is to take the boy back to Valentine. Meet with Mary at the train station.
How to get a gold medal in We Loved Once and True?
- Peacefully convince the Chelonians to let you take Jamie - This challenge has been described in our walkthrough. Choose the first (peaceful) dialog options when you are talking with the master.
- Return Jamie to Mary within 2 minutes - Try to travel with the maximum allowed speed. Also, don't lose too much time when you reach the train station.