Cookies - Cookies

The company Webedia Polska SA with its registered office in Poland, 30-128 Kraków, ul. Stanisława Przybyszewskiego 56, is the administrator of the web services within the domain and uses cookies in accordance with article 173 of the Act of 22 March 2013 of Telecommunications Law, Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and Council of 27 April 2016. on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free circulation of such data, and repealing the Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Ordinance, DPA) and the Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means.

This document is part of the Privacy Policy, where we explain what information we collect about you, how we collect it and what it is used for, where it is stored and how we protect it. We will also clarify your rights concerning such information.

Note - due to technological advancements, means other than cookies, but analogous in function, are now available. These solutions, in general, boil down to storing information on your end device (e.g. on local storage). Wherever this document refers to "cookies," the particular information also applies to these new technologies, unless explicitly stated otherwise. More information about cookies and their types can be found in the About Cookies section.

We use the information stored by cookies and similar technologies for technical, advertising, and statistical purposes, and to better adapt the service to the individual needs of our users.

The fundamental division of cookies that we use on the website is as follows:

In addition to first-party cookies, third-party cookies may also be included and used on our websites, in particular, those belonging to advertisers, adserver system operators and operators of analyzing and reporting systems.

First-party cookies on the website (i.e. the cookies belonging to Webedia Polska SA) are used for the following purposes:

Third-party cookies are used for the following purposes:

As a company responsible for user data, we do everything in our power to ensure that third-party cookies are only stored on the service by our Trusted Partners, and for purposes that are clearly defined in our Privacy Policy, as well as that it is done with your consent where required. We also try to limit the ability of our partners to store these cookies even if your consent is not required. For example, we send such a request to Facebook (applies to social plugins on the service) or Youtube (YT player on the service).

More information about cookies on the website can be found in the section called Cookies

The users of the website can terminate the use of cookies at any time and delete the information stored on their end devices. To do this, you need to change the settings of the browser you are currently using and/or change the options available here. Detailed instructions on this subject can be found in the Cookies Control section.

We hope that the information contained here will work towards your better understanding of how cookies work and reinforce your confidence in our transparency. If you have any additional questions or doubts, please contact us at .

About Cookies

Cookies: What are these and what are they used for?

Everyone loves cookies, right? Well, the cookies in question aren't coming from a bakery. Cookies are small text files used by web browsers. While browsing the Internet, they are stored in the memory of end devices (e.e. laptops, tablets, smartphones). Each cookie is unique to your browser, which means that if you open the same page on another browser or device, the website will not have access to the previous cookie. Note - due to technological advancements, means other than cookies, but analogous in function, are now available. These solutions, in general, boil down to storing information on your end device (e.g. on local storage). Despite the technical peculiarities and different nomenclature, most of the information on this site also applies to these technologies.

The first party cookie contains information that can only be read by the given page. In the case of third-party cookies, things get more complex, because access to them (understood as the ability to save and reading the data in cookies) is available not the website you visit, but to a third party that has saved the third-party cookie. For example, if you visit several sites that include social plugins, e.g. the Facebook's "Like" button, the third party (Facebook, in this case) saves the third-party cookie on your device so that it knows which sites you have visited and, consequently, what are your interests. However, the websites you have visited do not have access to this cookie and thus, to this information.

In light of the above, it is now assumed that cookies can contain personal data or data that becomes personal when combined with other user-identifying information. That's why, here at Webedia Polska SA we do our best not only to inform you exactly about what cookies are used on the website (see the document named Cookies but also how to disable them (in the document called Cookies Control as well as here).

Cookies have a wide range of applications and can vary depending on the website. Their main objectives are as follows:

More about the use of cookies on the service can be found in the two documents called Cookies and Cookie policy at

Some people believe that the collection of information by websites is unethical and inappropriate, especially if the users are not properly informed about it. Therefore, in each browser, it is possible to partially or completely block the use of the cookies technology. It is also possible to completely delete the downloaded files. By default, most web browsers are set to allow the use of cookies.

Note: Disabling the use of cookies may result in incorrect operation of websites and, in extreme cases, even complete obstruction of their proper displaying.

Types of Cookies

First-party cookies (proprietary cookies) - Files created by the website that is currently being visited. These can only be read by the party that created them.

Third party cookies - as the name suggests, this type of cookies is not generated by the website we visit, but by third parties, e.g. a statistical company that researches traffic on the website we visit. Another example of their use is managing the ads displayed to us, tracking our online activity and decisions made by us, and thus determining the exact content displayed to us.

Session cookies - cookies temporarily stored in the memory of end devices - only for the current session. They are deleted when you close your browser.

Persistent cookies (or permanent) - these cookies are not deleted at the end of a session, and their storage period can reach several years in some cases. Their purpose is identifying the user during subsequent visits to the same page and remembering his/her decisions, such as which threads on a forum they subscribed.

Flash cookies - many websites once used the Adobe Flash Player technology to make their appearance and content more captivating. The Adobe Flash Player technology also generates cookies, but they are different from those generated by browsers. They are bigger and are stored indefinitely on our end devices. They cannot be managed from the browser - you have to do it using the Adobe website. Despite these differences, their function is very similar to HTML cookies. Due to the development of technology and your security, we do not recommend using the Adobe Flash technology in your browser.

Cookies Control

How do I disable cookies?

It is up to you to decide whether cookies will be saved and stored on your end device. You can use the panel at the bottom of this page, as well as the settings menu of the browser you are using, by following the instructions in the help section of these browsers, to disable the cookies.

Examples of ways to deactivate cookies:

You can also always disable advertising cookies of our partners on the website.

Note: Disabling the use of cookies may result in incorrect operation of websites and, in extreme cases, even complete obstruction of their proper displaying.


Below you can find sample cookies that are used on our websites, along with a description of their functionality.

Cookies necessary for the operation of the Service

cookies classification

name of the cookie / subject-related cookies


processing period

legal basis

resignation / privacy policy



related to promoting graphical objects displayed within the website and their position

no longer than 14 days

Legitimate legal interest of GRY-Online (Art. 6 (1) point f) EU GDPR)




responsible for correct display and operation of mechanisms within internal services (e.g. font fonts, age verification for video materials)

no longer than 7 days

Legitimate legal interest of GRY-Online (Art. 6 (1) point f) EU GDPR)


third party


comment section hosting service

Legitimate legal interest of GRY-Online (Art. 6 (1) point f) EU GDPR)


third party


web analytics service

Legitimate legal interest of GRY-Online (Art. 6 (1) point f) EU GDPR)


third party


web analytics service

Legitimate legal interest of GRY-Online (Art. 6 (1) point f) EU GDPR)


third party

Google Analytics

web analytics service

Legitimate legal interest of GRY-Online (Art. 6 (1) point f) EU GDPR)


third party


video player on websites - we send a request not to collect cookies

Legitimate legal interest of GRY-Online (Art. 6 (1) point f) EU GDPR)


third party


social plugins on websites - we send a request not to collect cookies

Legitimate legal interest of GRY-Online (Art. 6 (1) point f) EU GDPR)


Personalization cookies

cookies classification

name of the cookie / subject-related cookies


processing period

legal basis

resignation / privacy policy



collecting information about user's game scores

no longer than 1 day

Consent given during registration and on the user profile page (Art. 6 (1) point a) EU GDPR)"


Advertisment-optimization cookies

cookies classification

name of the cookie / subject-related cookies


processing period

legal basis

resignation / privacy policy

third party


delivery of advertising content, RTB advertising

1 year

Consent given during registration and on the user profile page (Art. 6 (1) point a) EU GDPR)


third party

Smart AdServer

delivery of advertising content, RTB advertising

1 year

Consent given during registration and on the user profile page (Art. 6 (1) point a) EU GDPR)


third party


delivery of advertising content, RTB advertising

1 year

Consent given during registration and on the user profile page (Art. 6 (1) point a) EU GDPR)


third party

delivery of advertising content, RTB advertising

1 year

Consent given during registration and on the user profile page (Art. 6 (1) point a) EU GDPR)


third party


delivery of advertising content, RTB advertising

1 year

Consent given during registration and on the user profile page (Art. 6 (1) point a) EU GDPR)


third party


delivery of advertising content, RTB advertising

1 year

Consent given during registration and on the user profile page (Art. 6 (1) point a) EU GDPR)


Cookies for advertising optimization

Some (but not all) of our Trusted Partners can use the Cookies for marketing purposes: Youtube, Facebook, Amazon, Deutschland Services GmbH, Convertiser, Smart AdServer,, SpotX, Outbrain, Purch (Oscars, 33Across, 495 Communication, adyoulike, AppNexus, BidTellect, bRealTime, Brightcom, C1exchange, Carambola, IndexExchange, Conversant, DefyMedia, DigitalRemedy, DistrictM, Facebook, GiftConnect, GoodMove, Google, GumGum, InnerActive, MediaMath, MoZoo, NativeAds, OpenX, ParsecMedia, Powerlinks, Pubmatic, Pulsepoint, quantum, RevContent, Rubicon, RubiconEBDA, Sekindo, Sky, Smaato, SomoAudience, Sonobi, Sovrn, sublimeskinz, taboola, Tremor Media, TripleLift, TrustX, UCFunnel, undertone, WideOrbit, YieldBot, YieldMo).

The lifespan of advertising and adserver partners' cookies according to industry standards should not exceed 1 year and usually amounts to 180 days.

You can also always disable advertising cookies of our partners on the website.

You can find additional information about these Partners and their Privacy Policies in Our Partners section.

Note: Disabling the use of cookies may result in incorrect operation of websites and, in extreme cases, even complete obstruction of their proper displaying.